Distractions & Dust Bunnies Galore
Dust bunnies, though deceptively cute, breed at an alarming speed. Â Having traveled for a few days on a road trip with Hubby, with short infrequent daily stints set aside for first drafting, I...
View ArticleDetermination in Gear
For the first time, I first drafted three chapters in a single day. I busted a writing myth that had been stuck in my head and wrote approximately 6,000 words. (Hat tip to you, Dean Wesley Smith!) And,...
View ArticleI'm Stylin' Now! (Lovin' Ergonomics)
Dear ErgoRest, where have you been all my life?With stationary arms removed from my office chair, I attached two articulating arms to my writing desk. As many hours as I have sat before and continue to...
View ArticleWhy Authors Should Strive NOT to be Negative Nancies and Debby Downers
Social media and internet interaction can and will make or break an author. Whether it's another blog or an author's own blog, the author's attitude can either be a positive draw for readers or send...
View ArticleTracking Time & Keeping Time
When a writer figures out she's spending more time on the internet than writing, she's got an issue. A big one.In my former job, I tracked my time to keep up with billable hours and kept a tally of...
View ArticleThe End and Then Some
What does it feel like to type THE END?The first draft of the final book in Series #1 is complete. Five books drafted, with revisions starting later today. In a few days, my one-year of writing...
View ArticleDiving In - Writing and Staying Afloat
One year ago today, I created and made my first post on this Kathy Writes Books blog. The post, Diving In - First Learn to Swim, depicted my beginning of a journey to write full-time and to make a...
View ArticleFollow the Revision Road
In pulling together the separate chapter files that comprise the first book in Series #1, the road to revision stretches out into the distance.First of all, I have to admit, pulling the individual...
View ArticleWriting Dark Suspense
Suspense, Thrillers, Romance, Paranormal, and, yes, Horror Fiction are on my To-Do list of what type of books I want to write.While there's still a few weeks of revision remaining of the five-book...
View ArticlePacing is a Booger
Challenge #1: Use the word "booger" in a blog title. (Won that dare!) and Challenge #2: Revise/update pacing of scenes and overall book chapters to accomplish a thriller read. (In progress.)Despite...
View ArticleCatching Fireflies
Ideas are like fireflies.When I was a child, growing up in the South, we called them lightning bugs. In the spring, with more yellow glowing flickers appearing toward dusk the beginning of summer,...
View ArticleSnobs, Con Jobs, & Thingamabobs
SNOBS"So what sort of books do you write?" I asked.Literary fiction author said, "I write literary fiction.""I see... Um, what is your book about?""A woman's life's journey." Literary fiction author's...
View ArticleUnder Attack (I Was Warned)
SCREECH!!!! That was the sound of doubt bringing my writing and revision to a halt.All during the writing of my series, from several writer-friends and associates, I was warned to be prepared for when...
View ArticleA Lonely Thing on Lonely Street
When I worked extensive overtime in my day job, I spent untold hours in front of the computer. Now that writing is my job, I realize that I only thought I experienced solitude during work.The time...
View ArticleReality Sets In: It's a Book!
Over the last few weeks, I have been revising a book, chapter by chapter. Today, I pulled all the individual chapter files into one single file...and I have, ta-da and to my amazement, a BOOK.Okay, I'm...
View ArticleStep Away and Get More Done!
In spending less time at the computer, I'm getting much more done writing- and revision-wise on the computer. That sounds odd, I know.You see, I've been experimenting with taking breaks away from the...
View ArticleAuthor Dean Wesley Smith's Crazy Idea
Author Dean Wesley Smith is writing in public. Of all things! Can you believe it?Starting August 1st, Dean Wesley Smith sets out on a year-long journey to share his daily writing experiences. He...
View ArticleHitting Send
With my first-round of revisions finished, I attached the book to an email to send to my writing coach and mentor for a final review before editing. I sat with the cursor pointer hovering over SEND.Ten...
View ArticleLightning Drafting Downside
I tried lightning drafting and finished the first drafts of five (5) books. However, I am now left with EXTENSIVE revision and editing. So, for those soon-to-be writers or writers looking for a quick...
View ArticleDear Writer... (An example of what not to do)
I recently dropped by a writer's blog (I followed the author from a post that I found odd...curiosity pulled me in). On this writer's blog, she blogged about how readers SHOULD read her short stories,...
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