Just like slowing your car for a BUMP AHEAD sign on the highway, I've been forced to slow my writing pace; however, SLOW does not mean STOP.
Goals all worked out and tasks targeted, the past few weeks, I've been writing material better and faster than I've every produced, then unwelcome health issues interrupted my writing flow and are serving as a bump in the road.
Just like on a day job, I have only a few days built into my schedule for unexpected hitches and glitches (such as illness or unexpected family demands); therefore, since writing is my job, writing is a MUST.
Even unwell, when I write, I feel filled up and fulfilled. There is a connectedness to words and to story that makes me feel whole. For me, writing is like coming home.
For today, I have quartered my daily goal. Yet, today, I write.
Goals all worked out and tasks targeted, the past few weeks, I've been writing material better and faster than I've every produced, then unwelcome health issues interrupted my writing flow and are serving as a bump in the road.
Just like on a day job, I have only a few days built into my schedule for unexpected hitches and glitches (such as illness or unexpected family demands); therefore, since writing is my job, writing is a MUST.
Even unwell, when I write, I feel filled up and fulfilled. There is a connectedness to words and to story that makes me feel whole. For me, writing is like coming home.
For today, I have quartered my daily goal. Yet, today, I write.