For 2012 and 2013, I tended to overreach with setting writing goals, especially considering the ongoing health issue I battled. For 2014, since my main goal is to learn to gauge and set realistic goals for my writing and publishing venture, I am turning to SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Recorded, Timely) goal setting practices.
May 2014 be prolific, positive, and real.
- Who: Me, myself, and I, plus a coach/mentor, editor, and final proofreader
- What: Publish entire Series #1, Launch Series #2, Launch Series #3
- Where: In front of a computer, with a pen for markup, or on Neo
- When: January thru May or June, publish one book in Series #1 per month,
Launch Series 2 in late spring, early summer,
Launch Series #3 in summer/fall time-frame - Which: Requires daily goal setting and sitting butt in chair and writing/revising, also requires focus and concentration), with limited internet interaction
- Why: Life-long goal, Beginning of building a backlist to be able to write books as a living
- Units of Measurement: Completed chapters, books, tasks, stages
- Day-by-day production schedule and accomplishments
- Track stages, task completion, chapters completed, etc.
- Realistic estimates, plus additional time added as a buffer, such as:
- Complete of workshops in formatting and promotion through January into mid-February
- Revise Book #2 in January
- Contact e-distribution company in January
- Publish to CreateSpace in February - Set Project completion goals and break down into Monthly, Weekly, Daily goals:
- Forward Book#2 for final read-through, 1st week of January
- Format Book #2 in editable format, 1st week of January
- Revise 1 Chapter per day, 2nd week of January
- Gauge pace of revision at week's end, end of 2nd week of January
- Schedule tasks for next week, end of 2nd week of January - Today
- Listen to Chapters 26 thru 29 via Dragon NaturallySpeaks
- Polish Chapters 26 thru 29 - Tomorrow
- Listen to and Polish Chapters 30 thru 32 - Next Day
- Listen to and Polish Chapters 33 & 35
May 2014 be prolific, positive, and real.